The old model biplane
Back around the late 1990’s I used to build balsa wood and tissue paper model airplanes. I loved the magic way they actually fly, and the way the sun shines through the delicate tissue paper skin.This particular plane is a Curtis Jenny biplane that I scratch built from plans dug up on the internet.
I don’t have most of my planes any more but I decided to immortalize this one in a painting. Luckily I had the photo for the painting which tries to capture the light illuminating the two cockpit interiors, and the delicate balsa wood airframe structure. It’s an interesting image to me because you don’t immediately realize it’s a painting of a model plane. You expect an airplane to have seats, instruments, and controls inside each cockpit. You expect a picture of an airplane to show the whole airplane in flight.
Perhaps this picture would make a nice wedding present for somebody. They could imagine getting into the the airplane together and taking off on a grand adventure.
Link to this painting on my Etsy page>
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