Why I hate marketing

 For me, marketing and trying to sell Art has always felt like when you’re a kid and your mother says “Eat your vegetables so you can be healthy!” . What I really want to do is go play, create, or make things. It feels like there are two distinct realms. The Art world of people and being popular and recognized, and the creating world of ideas, pencils, pens, brushes, and paint. It’s a tired old struggle, but yes I would love to just find a way to get my creations on to somebody else’s wall besides my own. After the day job and everything else, I guess it makes sense to use my precious remaining time wisely, and put all my focus on the specifics of what I’m creating. That’s probably the right priority. But why to I dread Art marketing? Perhaps simply being, and creating, is not and shouldn’t be an act of seeking to become popular. I’ve never cared a hoot about being popular. (Or maybe……) I think I’m over thinking…


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