Art Marketing thoughts


I spend a lot of time thinking about distinguishing between the act of creating a painting, and the act of finding an audience for a painting. Needless to say I have made a lot of paintings, and it’s much better to share them face to face with actual people besides myself than it is to post on social media, let alone allow the paintings to collect dust in storage. Of course Social media has its uses, but perhaps it becomes a crutch, or an easy out from the much harder job of finding a real brick and mortar gallery. Social media has not gotten me anywhere closer to a real show in a gallery.

For me, the act of creating is what gets me out of bed in the morning. The act of applying to galleries is not something that motivates me but it needs to be done. I keep forgetting that I’ve sold 50 paintings as of this writing, but there are so so many more paintings left in storage that need to go on somebodies wall. They need to see the light of day.

I’m not sure if the need for an audience is caused by me feeling from within myself, that I need an audience, or if it’s caused by society itself, which expects everyone to want to forge social connections. I’ve already got a few high quality connections anyway, that’s all you need.

I got the idea from Duchamp that actual art objects are completely un related to the Artists that create them, and that all the social discussion around a piece of art has nothing to do with the art either. Not sure what to make of that. Perhaps Duchamp is giving me permission to let the social stuff take care of itself, and focus on what gets me out of bed in the morning.

Link to Etsy shop “Marinedreamart”



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