I wonder what I would do if I were to write a book about getting out of my current job as an MFA guard. Dear world, do you know the way to a job that doesn't involve dealing with the general public? Ronald Reagan was president when I started and now there's Barack Obama. Gotta stay positive on that front. So far so good.

Chapter one could be a description of what led up to today. Chapter two could be the first imagining of a particular way to another job that would involve boats in some way. Chapter three could be a pure fantasy escape from the MFA as if it were a prison, which it's not but it's fun to imagine.
Chapter four could be a detailed description of life in the MFA dealing with confused old ladies trying desperately to find the bathroom, characters wearing studded cowboy boots standing too close to Thomas Sulley's "Washington Crossing the Delaware" or whatever it's called, and endless radio chatter from guards requesting bathroom breaks to go with their other two daily breaks. Chapter five could be about my perceived obstacles to getting a different job both real and imaginary. Chapter six could be pure fantasy about what could be done to eliminate some of those obstacles like exhaustion from the current job, or imaginary reductions in pay, or lack of real world job experience other than the MFA. So far so good.


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