The bright green boat

(book dated 2/27/94)

there once was a bright green boat
that carried all the pineapples
to another island. The villiage
chief saw the boat coming through
his twelve foot long telescope
and told the villiage inhabitants
to swim out and help the boat
navigate between the rocks and
coral reefs.

But the boat could raise itself
on stilts and walk over the rocks!
All the pineapples arrived safely
and the villiage inhabitants
celebrated with a feast in honor
of the bright green boat.

one morning the boat woke up
to find himself transformed
into a bright green airplane!
As the boat began to fly to
another island, a collossal
thunderstorm began to throw
bright electric spears of  light
down upon the earth because
the boat could no longer be called
a boat but the pineapples could
still be delivered.


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